2025 – Statewide Interoperability Communications

by | Jan 1, 2025

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Instructional Goal:

This Concept of Operations Plan (CONOPS) provides guidance to public safety agencies (traditional first responders) and non-traditional responders for developing and employing on-scene interoperability through an effective Incident Communications program. CONOPS will focus on incident communications requirements and the role of interoperability. A communications partnership must exist between all public safety agencies in the state. It must also include federal, state, tribal, military, and local agencies including utilities and other support agencies that would be engaged in supporting response and recovery efforts for a major event, emergency or disaster in Maine. It is essential that these partnerships are established, maintained, and exercised by all the agencies within the State for interoperability to exist. There must be cooperation and support among all players to ensure capabilities enhance operations.


  1. Understanding the definitions that compose statewide interoperability.
  2. Overview of Statewide interoperability and what agencies are partners.
  3. Understanding of Maine RegionNets and its usages.
  4. The process of using RegionNets for the first responder.
  5. Understanding CONOPS and different frequencies that are available.
  6. Guidelines and authorizing partners of CONOPS frequencies.