THE GUARDIAN MIND: The Most Powerful Tool In Use Of Force


The Guardian Mind will show how an officer’s mind is the most powerful tool in use of force situations. Every interaction begins and ends with the mind. The officer will learn how the mind perceives and reacts to a threat and how fear affects the body. This knowledge will then be used to adapt how an officer interacts with a potential suspect both verbally and physically. Defensive tactics will be adapted to the science of the mind in order to make an officer’s reactions faster.

Understanding the suspect’s mind and why a suspect assaults an officer will be examined as well. Pre-attack cues will be shown to get a better understanding of the suspect’s mental state. Suspects who are in a predator mentality will attack when the officer is vulnerable. Their demeanor will be calm so recognizing pre-attacks cues are essential. An officer must understand the stress and mental state of a suspect in order to counter the attack.

If you fight them mentally, you will win every time as you would have gained an initial advantage, in which they cannot recover.

What Students Will Learn:

  • Proper way of Countering in order to stop or prevent oncoming attacks
  • Key concepts on how the mind and body perform under stress ex: body mechanics
  • How to exploit time in a confrontation
  • The power of visualization and integrating defensive tactics and firearms has on discipline
  • Tactics for de-escalation