2025 – Courtroom Procedure: Laws of Evidence, Courtroom Testimony and Demeanor

by | Jan 1, 2025

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Instructional Goal

Law enforcement officers are crucial to the successful prosecution of cases.  This training will orient students to the laws of evidence that guide officers in gathering, documenting and preserving evidence from the scene, and presenting evidence in court.  As important as the presentation of evidence, is the officer’s presentation of themselves in court.  This course will emphasize the proper procedures for providing effective court testimony.

Performance Objectives

  1. Define evidence.
  2. Identify 4 types of evidence that may be introduced in court.
  3. Identify 4 legal requirements for evidence to be admissible in court.
  4. Identify 5 categories of legal restrictions imposed on evidence.
  5. Identify 5 procedures at the scene that lay the foundation for a successful prosecution.
  6. Identify 5 officer responsibilities prior to appearing in court.
  7. Identify 3 proper procedures regarding professional demeanor at court.
  8. Identify 4 proper procedures regarding arrival at court.
  9. Identify 4 proper procedures regarding taking the stand.
  10. Identify the legal and ethical importance of providing truthful testimony.
  11. 14 proper procedures regarding testifying and answering questions from prosecutors and defense attorneys.
  12. Identify 2 proper procedures regarding addressing errors made while providing testimony.
  13. Identify 7 common tactics used by defense attorneys at trial, and the proper responses by law enforcement officers to defuse them.
  14. Identify 3 proper procedures regarding conversation while court is in recess.
  15. Identify 2 proper procedures regarding leaving the stand.