Instructional Goal
The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) is an actuarial risk assessment tool that ranks individuals with respect to risk for domestic violence assault recidivism. The ODARA was originally validated for use in predicting male recidivism against a female cohabitating or dating partner. The ODARA has very recently also been validated for use in predicting female recidivism against a male partner. The ODARA has not yet been validated for use in same-sex partnerships. The Maine Criminal Justice Academy (MCJA) will apprise Maine law enforcement officers at such time the ODARA is validated for use in same-sex partner assault cases.
Performance Objectives
X.X.1 Identify how risk assessment increases the effectiveness of law enforcement officers’ response to domestic violence incidents.
X.X.2 Identify Maine law requiring the use of ODARA.
X.X.3 Identify the background of ODARA.
X.X.4 Identify how to score ODARA.
X.X.5 Identify how to score missing information.
X.X.6 Identify how to interpret ODARA scores.
X.X.7 Identify when to use ODARA.
X.X.8 Apply ODARA through practical case videos and a written law enforcement officer incident report.