Ryan Wagner, a dedicated law enforcement professional, currently serves as a patrol officer at Cape Elizabeth PD (ME). He began his law enforcement career at Farmington PD (ME) in July 2013 before joining the University of Maine at Farmington Campus Police (ME) in 2015, where he held the rank of Sergeant until 2018.
With a strong passion for education and life-saving instruction, Ryan has acquired certifications as an Active Shooter Instructor, Basic Tactical Medical Instructor, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), and Firearms Instructor. His background as a collegiate educator and coach enhances his ability to deliver high-quality training. Ryan has taught Active Shooter and Tactical Medical Training to civilians, law enforcement members, and businesses emphasizing practical knowledge and hands-on experience.
Ryan holds a B.S. degree in Health & Exercise Science from Syracuse University and an M.E. degree in Health & Physical Education from East Stroudsburg University. When he’s not working or instructing, Ryan cherishes spending time with his family and enjoys running to stay active.