This presentation contains the creative works of others which are used either by permission, license, or under 17 U.S.C. 107 (fair use). The presentation was created under the Fair Use Guidelines and further use or distribution of the presentation is not permitted without written permission. © Dirigo Safety, ™ LLC 2024. All rights reserved.
Dirigo Safety™ LLC, is an independent professional training and consulting organization. We are not a law firm or a State agency, and we do not represent any State agency. The opinions represented at any Dirigo Safety training or consultation do not represent the opinions of any State agency. We do not provide legal advice regarding individual cases nor accept clients for the purpose of legal practice. The information provided in any Dirigo Safety training or consultation is strictly for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, legal advice.
For any Dirigo Safety training and consultation, reasonable efforts have been made to provide current and accurate information, however, such information is subject to change without notice. Dirigo Safety, and its employees and subcontractors involved in the creation and delivery of this course and any supporting materials, make no claims, representations, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, or adequacy of any of the information provided in this course.
Under no circumstances shall Dirigo Safety be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever whether in contract, tort, or otherwise from the use of, or reliance upon, the information contained or provided in any Dirigo Safety training. Furthermore, the general principles and conclusions are subject to local, state, and federal laws and regulations, relevant case law and any revisions of the same. Professional advice should be obtained regarding any specific set of circumstances before acting on the information presented in this course. Participants acknowledge that they understand their duty to abide by the laws, regulations and policies that regulate their specific occupation and agency, and to keep themselves up to date on such materials.