EUDL Training is about the Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws. It specifically covers Dirigo’s current EUDL Grant through the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, but also discusses how departments can work with BABLO (the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations) to enforce liquor law violations and discuss current strategies in use with other departments.
The first portion will discuss the current grant funding set up through Dirigo Safety, evaluate its current status and discuss considerations for the future.
The second is a 2.5 block taught by BABLO focusing on the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between BABLO and individual departments granting them the authority to enforce certain alcohol use violations.
The last portion is a round table discussion with all departments and BABLO about current enforcement strategies and suggestions for improvement.
Instructors: Scot Mattox, Esq., Ellen Blake & Kim Lynch