Vehicle Operation Liability Awareness for Law Enforcement


Vehicle operation is one of the most common yet dangerous things an officer does. Unfortunately, police liability resulting from vehicle operation is not uncommon. This class is an awareness training for officers and law enforcement agencies that is designed to increase their understanding of the liability and legal concerns arising out of and around vehicle use in police operation. This is an area where officers can help control their exposure to risk by better understanding the dangers.

Specific topics covered include:

  • Officer safety, liability awareness, and legal concerns during routine   patrol, emergency operation, and pursuits.
  • Officer safety, liability awareness and legal concerns for checkpoints and roadblocks.
  • National and State statistics on vehicle operation in law enforcement.
  • Relevant national and state case law including: Norton v. Hall. 
  • Ministerial Activities v. Discretionary Functions and their connection to the Maine Tort Claims Act M.R.S. 14 Chapter 741.
  • Understanding M.R.S. 17-A 203; 29-A 2054; and 25 Sec. 2806 as they relate to vehicle liability. 
  • In class active review of the Maine Chief’s Model Policy on: Routine and Emergency Vehicle Operation, Roadblocks, and Pursuits.


Upcoming Class Dates

Apr 22: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Dirigo Safety LLC
95 Main Street 3rd Floor
Auburn, ME, 04210
Price: $179
Available In-person OR via Zoom