Online Elective & On-Demand Classes for Law Enforcement & First Responders


Phase 1: MCJA Pre-Service

To be enrolled in Phase 1 you must complete all paperwork and payment through the Academy first. The academy will send us an email when they have approved your access to the program and we will create your account! You will then receive a registration email from us with login credentials – you must log in within 48 hours of receiving this link for it to remain active.

Online elective courses are a convenient and effective way for Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont Police and Corrections officers to continue their education and professional development. At Dirigo Safety, LLC, we offer a wide range of online elective courses that cover various topics relevant to law enforcement professionals. These courses can help officers stay updated on the latest best practices, trends, and developments in their field and can also provide valuable skills and knowledge that they can use in their daily work.

The online elective courses can provide law enforcement, corrections, dispatch fire & EMS with the opportunity to specialize in certain areas or to broaden their knowledge and skills in a range of topics. We believe that continuing education is an important part of being a competent and effective law enforcement professional, and we are proud to offer a variety of online elective courses to help officers achieve their goals. These courses are a convenient and flexible way for officers to advance their knowledge and skills without having to travel or take time away from their busy schedules.

Our List of Online Elective classes for Law Enforcement, Corrections Officers, and First Responders

Check our full list of online elective classes for law enforcement officers and corrections officers. Here are some examples of our online electives!