This publication and the 2021 Case Law Update constitute the training outline of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy for recertification training in law updates for the year 2021.
This New Law Update contains summaries of selected public laws of interest to most Maine law enforcement officers. The Update includes the new or amended statutory citations as well as links to the chaptered laws and the LDs that started it all. It is strongly recommended that the entire text of the chaptered law be examined for a more comprehensive understanding, and particularly before taking any enforcement action.
As you know, there are many types of law enforcement officers in Maine. New or amended laws that may be of interest to only a specialized type of law enforcement are not included in this Update to keep the length of the document manageable.
The summaries are those of the preparer and do not represent legal opinions of the Office of the Attorney General or interpretations by the Maine Criminal Justice Academy or the Maine Chiefs of Police Association.
The preparer wishes to recognize the assistance of Assistant Attorney General Laura Yustak of the Attorney General’s Criminal Division, who reviewed this document and offered meaningful comments and suggestions, and Assistant District Attorney Christine Thibeault for her significant contributions regarding changes to the Juvenile Code.