2022 -Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

by | Jun 16, 2022

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Instructional Goal

The focus of this training specifically relates to issues surrounding the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), sexual violence and staff sexual misconduct. This training addresses the intent of PREA, professional boundaries when working within a correctional setting, reporting requirements, and resources to include victim services. This class addresses the unique challenges faced by correctional staff in preventing inmate-on-inmate sexual violence, and staff on inmate sexual relationships. Both types of inappropriate conduct are illegal, will result in prosecution, decertification, and additional incarceration. This training will also provide detailed information for staff who might discover conduct that amounts to illegal sexual activity within a correctional setting and about what steps need to be taken to properly protect the victim, the scene, and the security of the correctional facility.

Performance Objectives

At the end of this unit of instruction, the student will be able to accomplish the following objectives as outlined in the lesson:

3.4.1 Define PREA and how it applies to prisons and jails

3.4.2 Define consent as it relates to PREA

3.4.3 Identify Maine Statutes that address sex crimes

3.4.4 Identify the criminal and civil liabilities surrounding staff sexual misconduct

3.4.5 Identify professional boundaries considerations within a correctional facility

3.4.6 Identify profiles of victims common in sexual assault cases

3.4.7 List at least six signs and symptoms of sexual abuse in adult victims

3.4.8 List at least six signs and symptoms of sexual abuse in juvenile victims

3.4.9 List the requirements of reporting sexual assaults

3.4.10 Identify areas that could be a sexual assault crime scene

3.4.11 Identify resources available to a victim of sexual assault

3.4.12 List 5 of the 8 sources for a report of a sexual assault or misconduct in a correctional facility

3.4.13 Identify appropriate communication methods and types of words to avoid