2020 – MCJA Mandatory: Situational Use of Force

by | Mar 17, 2020

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This training is based upon, and consistent with: MCJA 2020 Mandatory Lesson Plan: Mechanics of Arrest, Restraint and Control (MARC) (Online Training Only)

Instructional Goal

Through lectures, demonstrations and practical applications, the student is introduced to the proper methods for arrest, defense, restraint, and control. Emphasis is placed on an approach system through blocking and joint manipulation to control. In addition, students are introduced to the use of handcuffs, batons, electronic weapons, weaponless defense, vehicle extrication, chemical agent searching, counter movements, transporting, and body mechanics.

Course Objectives

8.6.3: Recognize circumstances which influence strategy in effecting an arrest.

8.6.27: Identify the importance of the knowledge of the student’s specific agency policy relating to all Use of Force issues regardless of techniques or procedures in the Mechanics of Restraint and Control Manual or those taught in the practical MARC program.

8.6.28: Identify situational use of force options justified when using nondeadly force.

8.6.29: Identify situational use of force options justified when using deadly force.