Resources for the Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws Program (EUDL)
Maine’s EUDL Program aims to:
o Increase the perception among youth that they will be caught by police if they use alcohol illegally;
o Decrease underage access to alcohol;
o Increase youth perceptions that their parents will catch them if they use alcohol without their permission; and
o Increase youth perceptions that adults in their community believe underage drinking is wrong.
Maine’s EUDL Program focuses its efforts on three groups:
o Youth under age 21;
o Adults who provide alcohol to minors or provide places for minors to consume; and
o Law enforcement, parents, merchants, and other adults in Maine communities who can take action to prevent youth alcohol use and related high-risk behavior.
EUDL Block Grant Supported Program Activities:
o Assess and monitor the issues, needs, and resources regarding underage drinking in Maine by collecting and/or assessing data on enforcement;
o Provide law enforcement mini-grants for ―Strategic Underage Drinking Enforcement initiatives;
o Analyze policy options, at both state and local levels, for increasing the effectiveness of enforcement of underage drinking laws;
o Develop and provide technical assistance and trainings for law enforcement partners and community coalitions implementing environmental strategies to reduce underage drinking;
o Partner with other stakeholders on strategies to strengthen retailers’ efforts to reduce underage access to alcohol
EUDL Program Resources
EUDL Program Report
Maine Final EUDL Assessment Report.pdf
Quick Reference Guide for Substance Use Prevention in Maine
Quick Reference Guide for Substance Use Prevention in Maine (
Maine Drug Data Hub
A one stop shop for data and reports about substance use disorder in Maine
Maine SEOW Dashboard
The SEOW (State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup) is a web-based interactive system that monitors trends on substance use, mental health, and gambling in Maine.
SEOW+Alcohol+&+Covid+Factsheet_FINAL_8.10.22.pdf (
Alcohol and Covid19 in Maine-updated link
PowerPoint Presentation (
SEOW+Alcohol+&+Covid+Factsheet_FINAL_8.10.22.pdf (
Substance Use Trends in Maine 2021
2021SEOWStateProfileFINAL_REVISED_1.3.2022.pdf (
Consumption Facts Sheet (Alcohol, Substance Use, Stimulants)
SEOW+young+adults+Fact+Sheet+2021_12.16.21.pdf (
SEOW+Alcohol+Fact+Sheet+2021_12.10.21.FINAL.pdf (
SEOW+Stimulants+Fact+Sheet+2021_12.16.21.pdf (
Alcohol Use in Maine
Substance Use in Maine
Maine SEOW Community Quick Reference Guide — Maine SEOW
Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS)
MIYHS is a joint effort of OBH (Office of Behavioral Health), the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Maine Department of Education. The MIYHS covers a broad array of health topics, including substance use.
List of EUDL Grant Partnering Agencies
Dirigo Safety, LLC partners with the following agencies as part of the FY2023 – 2024 EUDL Grant from the Maine CDC:
- Augusta Police Department
- Biddeford Police Department
- Cape Elizabeth Police Department
- Caribou Police Department
- Ellsworth Police Department
- Hancock County
- Lewiston Police Department
- Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department
- Maine Sheriff’s Association
- Old Orchard Beach Police Department
- Scarborough Police Department
- Westbrook Police Department
- Windham Police Department
- York Police Department
Over the past several years, I have had the opportunity to work with the team at Dirigo Safety. Scarborough Police department utilizes their services for our training platform as well as policy management through a Maine Municipal Association grant.
These services are absolutely top notch and all of their staff is very responsive, informative and well organized. These are all important traits when dealing with departments that rely on these types of services where there are options available. I do not hesitate to put Dirigo Safety at the front of mind when our department requires a service that they offer.
More specifically, I have had the pleasure of working with Dirigo Safety on the EUDL(Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws).
-Lt. Timothy Barker