Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Maintenance
Once you have developed a strong set of SOP and policies, you have a foundation for successful and excellent performance for your agency as a whole. However, the world we live in continues to change rapidly. While we offer resources such as the Maine Law Enforcement Officer Street Reference (LEOSR) for officers to stay up-to-date, often, the changes to best practices and policies go beyond simple updates to case law and affect how entire departments need to operate. This is why we offer Standard Operating Procedure Maintenance services, to keep your agency as up-to-date and effective as possible.

Keep Your Law Enforcement Policies Up-To-Date

At Dirigo Safety, we understand the importance of having clear and effective Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in law enforcement operations. These policies are crucial in managing risk, personnel oversight, and law enforcement operations. That’s why our team provides law enforcement administrators with consultation in a variety of policy matters, including the development of affordable SOPs specific to your state and agency.
After establishing a clear and effective SOP, it’s important to keep it up-to-date and in line with the latest regulations and best practices. Our SOP maintenance services are designed to help you do just that. We’ll review and update all mandatory policies set forth by the applicable Criminal Justice Academy, specific to your department, as well as a selection of non-mandatory and workplace compliance policies. Additionally, for those agencies that are interested in accreditation, our policies are developed to incorporate the standards that make accreditation easier to achieve.
Our team of experienced law enforcement consultants has a deep understanding of the complex and ever-changing challenges facing law enforcement today. Our policy library consists of over 100 policies and is constantly growing to meet those challenges. All completed policies are provided in Microsoft Word format, and we’ll amend them as necessary to ensure they are approved by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer during the length of the contract.
As regulations and best practices change over time, you can trust Dirigo Safety to keep your SOPs up-to-date and effective. Over the life of the contract, any new or updated policies from the Criminal Justice Academy, legislature, or best practices will be taken care of automatically. This means you can focus on your important work, knowing that your policies are in good hands.
Why Your Department Might Need SOP Maintenance?
Law enforcement agencies may need to update their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for various reasons, such as new police reform measures being enacted, increasing lawsuits and settlements, and calls for police reform. Updating SOPs helps the agencies to ensure that their practices and policies are transparent, safe, accountable, and meet the highest standards. Up-to-date SOPs equip officers with the necessary training and information to respond appropriately to difficult situations, build trust with the community, and reduce liability for the agency.
Our Team of SOP Experts

Scot Mattox, Esq.
Chief Executive Officer of Dirigo Safety, LLC

Cynthia Brann
Law Enforcement Services Manager

Brian MacMaster
Ret. Chief Investigator, Chief Law Enforcement Consultant

Bruce Boucher
Ret. Chief of Police, Law Enforcement Consultant

Josh Saucier, Esq.
Adjunct Instructor, Legal Consultant

Lynne Doucette
Ret. Lieutenant, Law Enforcement Consultant
New Hampshire Agencies

Dr. David “Lou” Ferland
Ret. Chief of Police, Law Enforcement Consultant

Rick Stillman
Ret. Chief, Law Enforcement Consultant