School Safety All Hazard Assessment
The all-hazard assessment will be a resource in the writing and reviewing of your emergency plans for schools to see if plans are community-based and continuing, identify the people and agencies which should be involved, the types of hazards in and around school facilities that present the highest risk and potential damage, and identify nonstructural and structural risks, in and around a school facility. The all-hazard assessments are to assist school administrations with risk assessment and vulnerability to protect students, staff, physical assets, and themselves.
Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) typically begin with the Basic Plan, which provides an overview of the school’s or institution of higher education’s approach to emergency operations. This approach outlines elements that are not specific to a particular hazard or threat type, but rather applicable regardless of the situation. The Basic Plan includes multiple sections that create a framework of the plan:
- Introductory Material
- Purpose and Situation Overview
- Concept of Operations
- Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities
- Direction, Control, and Coordination
- Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination
- Training and Exercises
- Administration, Finance, and Logistics
- Plan Development and Maintenance
- Authorities and References
The Assessment will include comprehensive evaluations of the following areas.
- Emergency Plans and Policies related to the following.
- Bomb Threat or Suspicious Package
- Fire or Explosion
- Hazardous materials release
- Infectious disease outbreak
- Medical emergency
- Hostile Situation
- Severe Weather
- Lockdown, Evacuation, and Reunification Plans
- Emergency Management Response Team
- Security Operational Plans
- Relationship with First Responders
- Areas of Threat and Vulnerability
- Security of all Buildings and Grounds
- Staff Readiness
- Training and Preparedness
- Active Threat Response
- Media Relations
- Incident Command Roles
- De-Escalation Techniques
- Crisis Exercises and Drills
- Prevalence of Bullying, Hazing, and Harassment
- Culture and Climate of Students, Staff, and Parents
- Emerging School Safety Threats