I began my law enforcement career in 1989 as a reserve officer for the Westbrook Police Department. I was first hired full time by the Lisbon Police Department in 1992 and served as a Patrol Officer until 1994 when I was hired by the Gorham Police Department. Since 1994 I have served in many capacities, including Field Training Officer, Firearms Instructor, Drug Recognition Expert; I held the ranks of Police Officer, Detective, Patrol Sergeant and Detective Sergeant.
Since June 2020 I serve as Lieutenant and Patrol Commander. I currently oversee the patrol division; specifically I supervise five sergeants, all full-time patrol officers, three School Resource Officers, two administrative assistants and one part-time animal control officer. I ensure staffing requirements are met and shifts are filled according to the union contract. I oversee fleet vehicle maintenance and coordinate with dealerships, mechanics, vendors, and installers to purchase, outfit, and maintain department vehicles. I monitor the police report approval process which includes reviewing reports to ensure accuracy, timeliness and that they are NIBRS compliant. I work alongside administrative assistants, the District Attorney’s Office, and defense attorneys to streamline the prosecution of cases. I am the project director for many Maine Bureau Highway Safety Grants. As Lieutenant I complete annual evaluations on eight (8) subordinates; I also review and contribute to evaluations of the entire patrol division and civilian staff. I participate in policy development, policy review and field implementation. I handle citizen complaints and conduct internal affairs investigations for the patrol division as a non-union investigator. I conduct use of force investigations, review vehicle pursuits and complete cruiser crash investigations. I oversee and manage the Field Training Program. I receive and review police employment applications and initiate the officer selection process; I organize physical aptitude tests, the oral board process and conduct background investigations. I manage promotional processes for sergeant promotions and participate in all special appointment processes such as detectives, drug agents and school resource officers. I oversee the VIPS (Volunteers in Police Services) program, the Citizens Police Academy and Gorham Police Department’s first Explorer Program. I oversee the implementation of community programs such as Camp 911, Camp Postcard, rafting trips etc. I act as assistant Public Information Officer in the absence of Chief of Police or Deputy Police Chief. Serve, on a rotating basis, as on-call Command Staff during nights, weekends and time off.