Investigation of Maine Cannabis Law Violations


(Formerly Cannabis Liaison Training)

Sponsored by the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy, this FREE training is here!


The Maine Office of Cannabis Policy: Investigation of Maine Cannabis Law violations

The legalization of recreational cannabis in recent years has necessitated many new or amended laws, rules, and regulations for both the recreational and medicinal markets. So many changes have taken place in such a short period of time that it’s a challenge for law enforcement and prosecutors to keep up, not only with the regulation of the legal markets, but also to distinguish it from the illegal ones. 

Sponsored by the State of Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services: Office of Cannabis Policy, this training is designed to educate law enforcement officers and prosecutors of the basic rules, regulations, and statutes regarding both legal and illegal cannabis in Maine. The goal is to provide tools for better investigation and prosecution of illicit cannabis incidents.

Topic areas of interest are:

  • Overview of OCP Adult and Medical Use programs
  • Overview of types of licenses, registrants, and regulations
  • Overview of applicable statutes and rules
  • Types of Cannabis Plants
  • Types of Cannabis Products
  • Investigation of complaints
  • Common violations
  • Cannabis investigation and prosecution resources


This one-day training is going to be presented 3 times in the remainder of 2024, and will have a lapse before it’s available again. The training is free to Maine law enforcement or prosecutors.


“Dirigo Safety put on a great class that was professional and informational. The knowledge I learned during the course can not only help myself but other officers in the office if they have questions about the topic we covered. I cannot recommend them enough for training & education.”

“Knowing the approach of OCP and what the intentions of these new statutes are is a great help moving forward as we engage these new businesses.”