I have significant experience in Criminal Justice Program reviews, Educational Program Development, Instructional Design, and Teaching college courses. I am accomplished in BlackBoard, E-College, Brightspace and Moodle based teaching modalities. I have been a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and curriculum coordinator for ground, on-line and hybrid courses. I have directed Criminal Justice Interns, Developed and Mentored the Criminal Justice Leadership Team Student Club and Established the College’s Alpha Phi Sigma (National Criminal Justice Honor Society). I love teaching and sharing my experiences as a 30 year police veteran. I was honored when the college asked me to be the keynote speaker at our most recent graduation of 740 graduates.
I was also the National Director of the United States Police Canine Association and current Police K9 Expert Witness and Consultant. The USPCA included over 2,800 members of which 2,400 of them are K-9 Teams across the United States. Duties included effective communications with members; representing the USPCA and Police K-9’s in general at conferences, seminars, meetings and media; managing the day-to-day activities of the USPCA including website and social media management; provide advice and resources to those seeking more information about the capabilities of police K-9’s. I have also consulted for several major police departments to help improve their K-9 Units. Rule 702 admitted expert witness for New Jersey Federal District Court ref: USA vs. Sterling Wheaten (K-9 Use of Force case).
I have experienced many aspects of policing to include being the head trainer of the N.H. Police K-9 Academy, Chief Advisor to the award winning Police Explorers, a Founder of the N.H. Police Working Dog Foundation, SWAT team counter-sniper, accident reconstructionist, media spokesperson, and budget coordinator, to name a few. I spent the last three years of my police career as the Chief of Police of the 110-person Portsmouth, N.H. Police Department before retiring in 2012.
I have authored numerous periodicals including Historic Crimes and Justice in Portsmouth, NH. (History Press) ISBN 978.1.62584.714.0.