SHE Leads

SHE Leads

SHE Leads, a 3-part Women’s Leadership Training. Join us for a collaborative skill-building journey spread over 3 intensive trainings. This curriculum will help participants identify their Values, Voice, and Vision in a male-dominated workforce. Participants will...
Officer Wellness and Resilience

Officer Wellness and Resilience

This course is directed towards new and existing Police Officers. This course will point out the changes in human behavior associated with entering into the Law Enforcement career and will provide a roadmap on how to remain healthy and resilient despite these changes....
Opioid Based Law Enforcement Training

Opioid Based Law Enforcement Training

This class is an awareness-level class designed for law enforcement (or any first responder) to provide a basic understanding of Opioid drugs from two perspectives: Enforcement and Individual Wellness Enforcement: The enforcement perspective is designed to give...
Tactical Medical Response

Tactical Medical Response

If you haven’t already, it’s inevitable you’ll respond to a call with a severally wounded individual. With backup and support aid an unpredictable distance away, time matters. By carrying essential medical equipment, knowing what it is, and how to...